Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Word Pollution Has Was From The Latin Word Pollute,

The word pollution has was from the Latin word pollute, which means to make dirty or harm. Pollution is the process of making the environment, land ,water,and air harmfull by adding damaging substances to it. Pollution causes an imbalance in the environment. This imbalance to the earth has threatened the survival of all forms of life. Environmental pollution is a severe problem of the industrialized societies. The industrial development and the Green Revolution have negatively affected the environment. People have changed the life supporting system of the whole world into their own resources and have vastly the natural ecological balance. Serious downgrading and depletion have been caused due to the overuse, misuse and omission of†¦show more content†¦Water pollution negatively changes the condition of water. It disturbs the balance of the ecosystem and causes health hazards. Water becomes polluted by the presence or addition of inorganic and organic or biological substances. Industrial effluents which are disposed of into the rivers in addition add to the water pollution levels. Soil pollution usually results from the disposal of solid and semisolid wastes from agricultural experiments and from unclean environments. The soil gets heavily polluted by harmful materials and micro organisms, which enter the food chain or water and create a lot of health issues. The emission of greenhouse gases has led to climatic changes. The increase in pollution has emerged in global warming. Global warming is an average rise in the Earth s temperature due to greenhouse effect as a result of both natural and human activity. The term climate is often used conversely to the term global warming. The ice caps in the polar areas have begun to melt rapidly. This has resulted in the increase of the water level of the seas and oceans. Grass sprouting in Antarctica and snowfall in the desert of the united Arab emirates are all warning signs of global warming. 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